The Dalmatian and Congenital Deafness  Free testing at The School of Veterinary Medicine ,  Parma University , Italy 

Italian  please


A promised research at The School of Veterinary Medicine , Parma University, under the care of Dr . Maurizio Dondi , will allow owners and breeders of Dalmatians to hearing test their dogs free of charge , using the BAER test .
The CAD , Italian Dalmatian Club , since its foundation , has been greatly interested in the hearing problem , as you can see in the President's letter , and from the hearing tests carried out by a German specialist with portable test apparatus at the Genova Dog Show  1996 , and the Club Speciality in Naples 1997 .
The problem is of great importance also at International level , and in June 1997 in Holland ,at the European Club Speciality ( Italy represented by CAD President Mrs E. Merolla ) , many proposals were made as to a compulsory hearing test for the issue of pedigrees .
 As we know , Dalmatians , aswell as other white -coated breeds , are subject to a form of unilateral and bilateral congenital deafness . Extensive research in the U.S.A.  by Dr . Strain and in Europe by numerous specialists  has shown that about 12% of the breed is affected by this pathology . The problem is particularly insiduous and difficult to identify when present in the unilateral form - the dog , while able to hear , is unable to localise sounds or noises ; it is believed that many dogs considered ' obstinate ' or even worse, ' stupid ' ,are affected by this problem .
The BAER hearing test is completely painless , does not require anaesthetic and can be carried out on puppies of 5 weeks .
It is strongly advisable to have all breeding stock and litters tested . The percentage of deafness is definitely higher when one or both parents are affected with the problem.
Dr . Dondi' s clinic is also able to identify the type of deafness in adult dogs by way of a further test method, named Bone Stimulation . This places the clinic at the forefront in Europe for this type of study .
For an appointment , please contact Dr . M . Dondi , 0521/ 293853, or the CAD .
Dott. Dondi

Primi risultati test audiometrico del 1998 / First result of BAER test during 1998

Further information can be found on the web pages of Dr . Strain .

Click here       Testo completo / full text 
Relazione presentata al meeting sul Dalmata a EURO DOG SHOW 98  
Paper presented during meeting of Dalmata at EURO DOG SHOW '98

 credits to Antonio Cacchione for traslation.

copyright;2001 S.Arnetoli,
last update