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3-5 October

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4655 1°Exc Kingpoint Everywhere CAC Young EU Ch. Porotikova Lyudmila
4657 1°Exc Camusfearna Australian Celebration All. Camusfearna
4662 1°Exc Ludstar Torello CAC R.CACIB Giannetti Emiliano
4661 2°Exc Brodruggam Sir Lancelot All. Camusfearna
4666 1°Exc Ludstar Triumph CAC Lenzi Alberto
4665 2°Exc Ludstar Jacob R. CAC Reynaud Francesca
4669 1°Exc Lourdace Crispin CAC CACIB BOB Luley Edit
4668 2°Exc Body Klamp Debra R.CAC Luley Edit
4671 1°Exc Camusfearna Carina Mak'Korbi CAC Young EU Ch.
Smirnova N.
4676 1°Exc Free Minds Caramelle CAC CACIB BOS Luley Edit
4675 2°Exc Free Minds Calipso R.CAC Civilis Gintautas
4679 1°Exc Dusty of The Black Fellows CAC R.CACIB Brend Brigitte









Kingpoint Everywhere 

Camusfearna Carina Mak'Korbi 

Cuccioli /puppies

Cuccioli dalmata



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